Interesting facts that will blow up your mind about our universe.

Fact #1:

         The planet Uranus was discovered in 1971 ,but the Antartic was not discovered until 1820.

Fact #2:

         Uranus is the smelliest planet in our solar system. Uranus clouds contain hydrogen sulphide
- the same gas that is released with flatulence(fart)  and when eggs rotten.

Fact #3:

         You could fit all the planets between the earth and the moon. there would even be room to spare to fit a dwarf planet like Pluto. This shows how far the moon is from the earth.

Fact #4:

         If we had the technology to create a Dyson Sphere around sun, we would generate 384 yottawatts of energy ,aka total power output of the sun.
                                              1 yottawatt = 10^24 watts.

Fact #5:

         SCIENTISTS HAVE FOUND A HELL PLANET! . Officially names K2-141b ,the planet is located around 200 light years from us, and slightly larger than earth. It rains rocks and fire, and the oceans are made of lava. More data on its atmosphere was gathered  recently after its discovery in 2018.

Fact #6:

         If space wasn't sound proof , we would hear the sun burning at over 100 decibels, or as loud as a chainsaw from 5 meters away.

Fact #7:
         Four ways to detect a black hole:
         1.Accretion Disk:

         2.Gravitational waves from black hole merger:

         3.Stars orbiting the black hole:

         4.Gravitational lensing:

Fact #8:

         Without light pollution, you'd see the Milky Way Galaxy stretching from horizon, the Andromeda galaxy, few nebulae like the Orion nebula , a lot of globular clusters & 2 to 16 meteors per hour every night all with the naked eye!

Fact #9:

         If an alien, 65 million light years away is looking at us through a telescope right now ,he'll be looking at DINOSAURS!. This is how the space time works . For example if you look at the sun, you are looking at the sun eight minutes ago, coz it takes 8 minutes for light to travel from sun to earth. All about LIGHT SPEED!.

Fact #10:

         A teaspoon of water (about 5 mL) contains 2x10^23 water molecules, but each water molecule is comprised of 3 atoms: two hydrogen and one oxygen.

                                                       Moreover, if you'd laid down end to end each water molecule from a teaspoon full you'd end up with a length of 50 billion km or 10 times the width of our solar system.

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