Ever Had A Dream Of Falling Into a BLACK HOLE !..Lets get a COMPLETE IDEA of What actually a BLACK HOLE IS ?

Black Holes (The Ever Lasting Mystery)

Black holes are a great mystery. Astronomers know they are there, because of their effect on nearby stars (if a star is too close, it gets pulls towards the hole), but they have proved very difficult to understand. WHY? Because they are black, and that makes them invisible. Scientists believe a black hole may be formed by death of a star. This picture shows a star's explosion as it dies.
                                              fig. Explosion of a dying star.

Why are they There?
                            Birth of a hole : Black holes are sometimes born when a star explodes and dies. when a big star has run out of fuel it can't stop gravity pulling its gas together, squeezing it tighter until it forms a tiny neutron star, or a black hole.

                                                                                           INTO the hole
Black holes have such strong gravity that nothing in the surrounding space can escape, not even the light. However, they do not act as enormous vacuum cleaners something has to get close enough to be in danger of being pulled in. They are a bit like space whirlpools, affecting just their area of space.

How do we find the holes?
           fig.finding black holes using Accretion disk
Scientists can find black holes because gas and dust falling into the hole rubs together and becomes incredibly hot. This gives off x-rays which space telescopes detect.

Are We Living in a Black Hole?

                                                    A physicist claimed that Earth and the entire universe could already be inside a black hole. According to the physicist, this theory is related to the idea that the Big Bang was actually a black hole.

As indicated in various scientific reports, black holes can form through a number of ways such as when a massive star bigger than the Sun collapses on itself and dies. This occurrence causes a supernova and a formation of a black hole. Scientists also believe that a collision between two neutron stars can create a black hole.

In theory, these scenarios indicate that black holes are formed when a massive volume of mass exists at a certain spot in space. This causes a rift in the space-time fabric, which then leads to a black hole, according to Express.

Due to this theory, many scientists believe that the Big Bang, which is credited as the creator of the entire universe, was actually a black hole. According to supporters of this theory, the Big Bang was a black hole that opened in a different universe. The cosmic material absorbed by the black hole became the building blocks of the universe.

For theoretical physicist Nikodem Poplawski of Poland, this concept points to the possibility that the universe where Earth is in was formed inside the Big Bang black hole.

Our universe may exist inside a black hole,” he stated in an article he wrote for Inside Science. “This may sound strange, but it could actually be the best explanation of how the universe began, and what we observe today.”

“It’s a theory that has been explored over the past few decades by a small group of physicists including myself,” he added.

If this theory is true, then it would explain why the universe is still growing and expanding. Since the Big Bang black hole is still active, the cosmic material that it is continuously absorbing becomes part of the growing universe.

Poplawski noted that this could also explain why space agencies cannot observe what is happening inside other black holes.

“Every black hole would produce a new, baby universe inside,” he stated. “If that is true, then the first matter in our universe came from somewhere else. So our own universe could be the interior of a black hole existing in another universe.”



10 Fun Facts About Black Holes

1. You Can’t Directly See a Black Hole.

A black hole is called a black hole because of it’s color, especially since light can’t escape. What we can see, though, is the effects of a black hole. Analyzing the surrounding area of a black hole, we can see its effects upon its environment. For example, a star that’s close enough to a black hole can be seen being ripped apart.

2. Our Milky Way Probably Has a Black Hole.

But, don’t be alarmed, Earth isn’t in danger! The major black hole that astronomists believe to be within our Milky Way is 1500 light years away from Earth.

3. Dying Stars Lead to Stellar Black Holes.

The death of large stars lead to black holes, because a star’s gravity will overwhelm the star’s natural pressure that it maintains to keep its shape. When the pressure from the nuclear reactions collapses, gravity overwhelms and collapses the star’s core, and the star’s other layers are thrown off into space, and this process is also known as a supernova. The remainder of the core collapses, a spot overcome by density and without volume – a black hole.

4. There are Three Categories of Black Holes.

1) Primordial Black holes – These are the smallest of black holes and range from an atom’s size to a mountain’s mass.

2) Stellar Black Holes – These are the most common of black holes and they can be up to 20 times more massive than the Sun. There are also a variety of these all over the Milky Way.

3) Supermassive Black Holes – These are the largest of black holes, being more than 1 million times more massive than the Sun.

5. Black Holes Are Funky.

Say someone falls into a black hole and there’s an observer that witnesses this. The person who fell into the black hole’s time slows down, relative to the person watching. This is explained by Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, which states that time is affected by how fast you are going when you’re at extreme speeds close to light.

6. The First Black Hole Wasn’t Discovered Until X-Ray Astronomy was Used.

Cygnus X-1 was the first black hole discovered in the 1960’s, and it’s 10 times more massive than the Sun.

7. The Closest Black Hole is Probably Not 1,600 Light-Years Away.

V4647 Sagitarii was thought to be 1,600 light-years away, but is further away than expected. Scientists now believe that this black hole is about 20,000 light years away.

8. We Don’t Know if Wormholes Exist.

We don’t know if this event exists, since we don’t know too much about physics, but that also means that anything may be possible.

9. Black Holes Are Only Dangerous if You Get Too Close.

Black holes are safe to observe from a lengthy distance, but not if you get too close, which also means that it’s unlikely for a black hole to consume an entire universe.

10. Warm hole

There are many concepts in Black Hole and Warm Hole is one of them. It is considered that one can move across the black hole from one part to another part of the universe faster than light. However, the exact relativity and the quantum physics inside black hole is still not properly defined and the concept of warm hole widely debated but popularly believed.


🙶 Some people think a black hole may be a doorway to another universe. But its all just speculation. Nobody really knows. However, it is doubtful someone could survive a journey through the hole to find out. An Astronaut unfortunate enough to try would be stretched out like a piece of sphagetti. ðŸ™·

                                      HOW BIG CAN A BLACK HOLE GET?

            They grow a they "EAT" , so they are only limited in size by the matter                                                            they consume..


 Black holes are full of wonder and mystery.  They are also somewhat interesting with their characteristics.  Still, scientists continuously research these amazing “space creatures” even though they are invisible. Would you consider to be one of these scientists that research black holes?  Or would you consider to go in space and take a risk to get a closer look at black holes?  There are many conclusions to everything but there may never be a conclusion to a black hole.

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