Interesting Facts About Time, The Fourth Dimension, And Time Travel

Interesting Facts About Time, The Fourth Dimension, And Time Travel Time is perhaps the greatest mystery of all and is deeply wrapped up in our conscious experience of things. Since antiquity, time has naturally attracted the interest of philosophers and scientists determined to understand and explain its true nature. At the heart of the question is whether time is an actual reality of the physical world or simply an artificial construct of the human mind. The pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Parmenides, for example, saw time as merely an illusion, while his contemporary Heraclitus believed the flow of time to be real and the very essence of reality itself. For Newton time was absolute and moved at a consistent pace everywhere throughout the universe, while with Einstein time became more flexible and relative in scope. Nevertheless, the concept of time continues to be one of nature’s greatest mysteries and no one has been able to fully explain exactly what it is really...